Travel Health


Beauchamp House Surgery is very pleased to announce that we offer a full travel service for our registered patients.

Our travel clinic appointments are booked with Karen, Monday to Friday. Please find the booking form on the website.

Unfortunately the NHS only offers a certain number of vaccines that are free; any other vaccines administered will incur a cost.  However, as a patient of the practice you will receive free travel advice and we offer competitive prices for any vaccines not covered by the NHS.

Vaccines free on the NHS:

  •          Hepatitis A
  •          Typhoid
  •          Diphtheria, Tetanus and polio combined


Preparing For Travel

Getting vaccinated can help prevent you from getting ill if you're exposed to diseases which we don't normally have in the UK. We can help you understand how to keep your risks low of getting a disease whilst abroad and inform you of which vaccinations and antimalarials you may want to consider depending on things like:

• Which regions you'll be visiting 

• What activities you'll be doing 

• Your age and general health

We can always help last minute travellers it just may be difficult to get an appointment. Some travel vaccinations may be needed several weeks before departure. Ideally, you should see us six to eight weeks before travelling, but we may still be able to help if you're leaving sooner. 

Additional vaccines now offered at Beauchamp House: Travel price list 

  •          Hepatitis B
  •          Japanese Encephalitis
  •          Yellow Fever Patient information
  •          Meningococcal meningitis ACWY
  •          Rabies
  •          Tick-borne encephalitis (adult and paediatric)

Beauchamp House Surgery is a designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre and has been authorised by NaTHNaC (as the regulatory body for England, Wales and Northern Ireland) to administer Yellow Fever vaccine in accordance with International Health Regulations (2005).

Further Travel Information

The following websites will give you additional travel advice

Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS

MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice

EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card